About Ali A. Khan, MD

Dr. Ali Khan is a double board-certified gastroenterologist practicing in Northern Virginia. He earned his medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine, where he also completed his Internal Medicine Residency and Gastroenterology Fellowship. Dr. Khan is dedicated to delivering exceptional care and ensuring the well-being of his patients.

Conditions & Procedures

Office Locations

Primary Location

Picture of the Fairfax Office


3028 Javier Rd.
Suite 300
Fairfax, VA 22031

Phone: 703-698-8960
Fax: 703-828-0961

Additional Locations

Fair Oaks

3700 Joseph Siewick Dr.
Suite 308
Fairfax, VA 22033

Phone: 703-698-8960
Fax: 703-828-0961


Procedure Locations

Having a procedure? It may not always be in the same location where you consulted with your doctor. Check with your doctor to make sure you’re headed to the right place.



George Washington University School of Medicine


George Washington University School of Medicine


George Washington University School of Medicine, Gastroenterology

Professional Highlights


Board Certified, Gastroenterology

Board Certified, Internal Medicine

Awards & Recognitions

  • American College of Gastroenterology 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, NV - “Presidential Poster” and “Outstanding Poster Presenter” Awards for “Think Outside the Triangle: Timely Diagnosis of a Gastrinoma in a Pancreatic Cyst”
  • Quality Improvement Internal Medicine Grand Rounds 2019, Washington, DC - QI Project Award for Oral Presentation: Arendt, M., Imasuen, E., Khan, A., Kochhar, K., Volke, R. “What Medications Do Our Patients Take?”
  • Orthopaedic Summit 2015, Las Vegas, NV - “Best Clinical Paper” for oral presentation of “Anterior Tibial Subluxation Following ACL Tears Increases with Time”
  • Columbia University’s Epidemiology Master’s Practicum Day 2012, New York, NY - “Best Poster” among Psychiatric and Neurological Epidemiology group for “Problematic Internet Use and Substance Use among Children and Adolescents”

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Gastroenterology
  • American Gastroenterological Association
  • American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • American College of Physicians
  • American Medical Association

In the News