Conditions & Procedures
- Abdominal Pain
- Acid Reflux & GERD
- Anal Fissures
- Anemia
- Barrett's Esophagus
- Celiac Disease
- Constipation
- Diverticulitis
- Esophageal Disease
- Gastritis
- Gastroparesis
- H. Pylori
- Hemorrhoids
- Indigestion
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Liver Disease
- Pancreatic Disease & Pancreatitis
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Swallowing Disorders
- Capsule Endoscopy (Pill Cam)
- Colonoscopy (Screening & Diagnostic)
- EGD (Upper Endoscopy)
- ERCP & Stents
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
- PEG Placement
Office Locations
Primary Location
Cooper City
11011 Sheridan St.
Suite 109
Cooper City, FL 33026
Phone: 954-961-8400
Fax: 954-961-8401
Additional Locations
Procedure Locations
Having a procedure? It may not always be in the same location where you consulted with your doctor. Check with your doctor to make sure you’re headed to the right place.
University of South Florida College of Medicine
University of South Florida College of Medicine
University of South Florida College of Medicine
University of South Florida College of Medicine, Gastroenterology
Professional Highlights
Dr. Weiss is a physician leader on Gastro Health's Florida Clinical Governing Board and a member of the Gastro Health Board of Directors.
Board Certified, Gastroenterology
Awards & Recognitions
- Chief of Gastroenterology Memorial Healthcare System 2003-2013
- Chief of Internal Medicine at Memorial Hospital West 2000-2004
- Secretary/Treasurer at Memorial Hospital West 2004-2006
- Vice Chief of Staff at Memorial Hospital West 2006-2010
- Physician Member of the Executive Board for the Memorial Health Network 2014-present
- Fort Lauderdale Illustrated Top Doctor - 2023
- 2023 America's Most Honored Doctors
Professional Memberships
- American Gastroenterological Association
- The American College of Gastroenterology
- The American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- The Broward County Medical Association
- The Florida Medical Association