Bill with his guitarCancer loomed large in Bill’s life. His father passed away from kidney cancer at age 56. His mother battled colon cancer twice, once in her mid-fifties and again at age 86. Although he was only 49 and had no symptoms, his family’s history with cancer was what motivated him to seek a colonoscopy.

He was thrilled to have found Dr. Geetanjali Akerkar. “She was welcoming and energetic,” Bill explained. “I explained my concerns about my family history of cancer. She was very caring and reassuring, and I knew I was in good hands.”

Dr. Akerkar performed his colonoscopy, and Bill got the news he had dreaded. He had transverse colorectal cancer. He underwent multiple surgeries, spent three weeks in the hospital, and endured six months of chemotherapy.

“It was a scary, unpleasant and difficult ordeal,” recalls Bill. “I’m grateful to have survived. I continue to receive excellent care from Dr. Akerkar. She also performs colonoscopies for my wife and our adult children, who began screening at age 35.”

“It’s been a privilege to care for Bill and his family,” says Dr. Akerkar. “He had a very challenging time with his cancer and his treatment, so it’s wonderful to see him living his best life.”

Bill with his granddaughterNow retired from a corporate career, Bill is in good health and maintains an active lifestyle. He’s a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He’s thrilled to continue to enjoy his life-long passion as a performing musician.

“I have no doubt the screening colonoscopy saved my life. I think anyone with a family history of cancer should not hesitate to consult a gastroenterologist. Paying close attention to your family’s health history could help protect your future.”

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends those at average risk begin colon cancer screening at age 45 or earlier depending on family history or related symptoms.

If you have questions about colon cancer or other digestive health issues, talk to a gastroenterologist.


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Tags Colorectal (Colon) Cancer, Colonoscopy

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