What is it?

Breath testing is a noninvasive diagnostic test that allows your doctor to detect common gastroenterological problems. The test can be performed at home and sent via mailto a third-party laboratory. Results will show whether or not a patient has bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel, or intolerance to fructose or lactose. One or all of the tests may be ordered, but only one test can be done at a time.

The most common symptoms for which these tests are ordered are:

  • Excess gas
  • Abdominal bloating and distension
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain

Benefits & Risks

Breath tests are simple and can be performed in the comfort of your own home. As with any procedure or treatment, please discuss any possible side effects with your doctor.

What to Expect

Your doctor may request that you fast before providing a breath sample. The testing lasts approximately three hours.